Thomas Huggett and Esther Newells


Thomas James Huggett was christened on the 25th of June 1848 at St Peter, Brighton in Sussex, England (IGI ref C147991 1840-1850 1067134). He was the son of William Huggett and Fanny Pearce. The Huggetts were farmers from Lewis in Sussex.

Esther Hannah Newell was the daughter of Thomas Newell , a miner, and Jane Traffor from Hull. They came to Geelong and camped on the beach there. Esther was born at Marshall and was their only child.

The Huggett farm, part of the Merrawarp Estate at Barabool Hills Geelong. The two farms are in the middle of the map, one to the left, another to the right.


Thomas and Esther married in Queenscliff in 1878 (ref 4127A), when Thomas was 30 and Esther 22. It seems Thomas was a farmer in 1886, along with a William, at Barrrabool Hills to the east of Geelong in the Grant Shire. It is an Aboriginal word for oyster or slope down to water, and was also the name of a local tribe. There was also a James Huggett who leased two sections of Merrawarp Estate in 1861. He retired to Queenscliff and died in 1890, it is not clear if he was a relative.


Esther is the woman and the girl is Sadie.

Children of Thomas Huggett and Esther Newell

  1. William Henry 1879 - 1961. Born Queenscliff (ref 25133). Died at Wall aged 82 (ref 20897)
  2. Fanny Elizabeth 1881 - 1905. She was born at Queen (ref 18713) and died at Geelong aged 23 in 1905 ref 1672. The death notice says:
    "On the 1st of January 1905, at Geelong, Fanny Elizabeth, the dearly beloved daughter of Thomas James and Esther Hannah Huggett, aged 23 years. Friends are respectfully informed that the funeral will leave her parent's residend Barrabool Hills, this day (Tuesday), the 3rd January 1905, at 3 o'clock pm, for the Highton Cemetery."
  3. Edward Richard 1883 - 1973. He was born at Ceres (ref 15182) and died in Geelong aged 89 years (ref 5369)> Apparently he was well known, but I don't know why.
  4. Sarah Isobel 1885 - 1950
    She was born in Ceres (ref 1475) and died in Melbourne aged 64 (ref 13064).

    1. Ronald Alexander
    2. Richard Thomas
    3. Bert (? Herbert William Kingsley
    4. John
    5. Dorothea
    6. Margaret
    7. Kathleen Mary
    8. Frances Myrtle

  5. Esther Victoria 1887 - 1888. She was born in Ceres (ref 1805) and died aged 1 at Ceres (ref 12790)
  6. Amelia Mary 1888 - 1930. She was born in Ceres (ref 27939) and died in Newtown aged 41 (ref 6756)
  7. Thomas James 1891 - 1897. (birth ref 10834). He died aged 6 at Ceres (ref 4629) May 28
  8. Reuben Ernt 1893 - 1893. Born in Ceres (ref 2330) and died aged 1 in Queenscliff (ref 1174)
  9. Stanley Gordon 1894 - 1967. He was born in Ceres (ref 2083) and died at Geelong aged 73
  10. Caroline Ann Harris 1898 - 1953. Born Ceres 1898 (ref 25239) and died Geelong 1953 (ref 16788) age 53. She was a missionary in China and had to return when the war broke out.
  11. Maggie May c 1902 - 1930. She died aged 28 in Pran (ref 6953)

Only Sarah had children.


Thomas died in 1923 aged 74 (ref 1703) and is buried at Highton Cemetery. Esther died of senile decay in Geelong in 1942 aged 85 (ref 25097) and is also buried at Highton.

Aunt Myrtle

I think the photo below is likely to be an Eason group. However it could easily be a Hugget group. The man lying down looks rather like Alexander Richard Eason. It was taken at Geelong beach.